
February 2019 Fox Lake Community Engagement Info Session

On February 21, 2019 the KSNC was represented at the Fox Lake Cree Nation Community Engagement Information Session held at the Gillam School Gym. Presenters included Apprenticeship Manitoba, Job Referral Service, Fox Lake Cree Nation Staff, Fox, York & Sodexo Joint Venture, the Keeyask Monitoring Advisory Committee and more. The KSNC's 2018 Fall Release video [Read More...]

By |2022-08-05T14:03:57-05:00May 15th, 2019|Projects|Comments Off on February 2019 Fox Lake Community Engagement Info Session

March 2019 Lake Sturgeon Joint Meeting

On March 19th and 20th 2019 the Nelson River Sturgeon Board (NRSB), the Saskatchewan River Sturgeon Management Board (SRSMB), and the Kischi Sipi Namao Committee (KSNC) all met in Thompson, Manitoba. The groups shared information on their membership, history, mandate, and outreach activities. The goal of the joint meeting was to share and learn from each [Read More...]

By |2022-08-05T14:04:07-05:00May 15th, 2019|Projects|Comments Off on March 2019 Lake Sturgeon Joint Meeting

KSNC Fall 2018 Sturgeon Release

On September 28th, 2018 the KSNC hosted a Lake Sturgeon Release at the Butnau Marina in Gillam, Manitoba. The young fingerling fish we generously donated by the Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery where they were raised. Kischi Sipi Namao Committee arranged for a tent, refreshments, activities, and give aways. Fox Lake Cree Nation [Read More...]

By |2022-08-05T14:07:06-05:00November 9th, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on KSNC Fall 2018 Sturgeon Release

August 2018 Committee Meeting

The August KSNC meeting was held in Winnipeg on August 23rd, 2018; the meeting included a presentation on Lake Sturgeon in the Grass & Fox Rivers and discussions on a future joint meeting with fellow Sturgeon groups; the Nelson River Sturgeon Board and the Saskatchewan River Sturgeon Board. The committee members then split into working [Read More...]

By |2022-08-05T14:07:14-05:00October 2nd, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on August 2018 Committee Meeting

June 2018 Committee Meeting in York Landing

  The committee members from York Factory First Nation were generous enough to invite the Kischi Sipi Namao Committee to their community, and on June 27, 2018 the KSNC held their meeting at the arena in York Landing. Local community members attended the open meeting where they heard a presentation on the committee, updates on [Read More...]

By |2022-08-05T14:07:30-05:00July 11th, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on June 2018 Committee Meeting in York Landing

March 2018 Committee Meeting

On March 8th, 2018 the KSNC met in Winnipeg to review their plans for the next year; the committee will continue to offer their post-secondary scholarship and are looking forward to hosting more sturgeon releases. The group is also working on some new exciting endeavors this year; stay tuned!

By |2022-08-05T14:07:37-05:00April 26th, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on March 2018 Committee Meeting

KSNC – Developing Trust, Gaining Momentum

The KSNC was featured in a recent publication by the Canadian Hydropower Association titled "Paths Forward - Hydropower and Aboriginal Relationships across Canada".  For more information, look for KSNC in the publication below, or read the news release here. Open Article  

By |2022-08-05T14:08:23-05:00February 14th, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on KSNC – Developing Trust, Gaining Momentum

KSNC Scholarship – 2017 Award Recipient!

Congratulations to Elizabeth Ryle of YFFN, the first recipient of the KSNC scholarship! The KSNC wishes Elizabeth the best of luck as she pursues her studies at the University College of the North. Are you interested in Resource Use, Conservation and Stewardship? Are you planning on attending post secondary education next year? If you answered [Read More...]

By |2022-08-05T14:08:46-05:00January 10th, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on KSNC Scholarship – 2017 Award Recipient!

Keeyask Stocking at Burntwood River – Fall 2017

On October 12, 2017, the KSNC hosted a Lake Sturgeon stocking event at the Orr Creek boat launch on the Burntwood River. Youth and elders from York Factory First Nation gathered to release Lake Sturgeon fingerlings (approximately 4 months old) originating from Burntwood River brood stock and reared over the summer at Grand Rapids Fish [Read More...]

By |2022-08-05T14:08:56-05:00January 10th, 2018|Projects|Comments Off on Keeyask Stocking at Burntwood River – Fall 2017
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